Can a Queens Personal Trainer Create the Perfect Training Program?

by glenn on June 10, 2013

Not every client needs a perfectly put together program.  In fact, most won’t follow it. Figuring out how to alter your program for the individual’s
needs is pertinent to your success.

For many people who are new to Queens personal training, they think they will be in shape in a couple of weeks when in reality, reaching one’s goals usually takes months.  Clients need to understand there is a period of trial and error. Your Queens personal trainer will work diligently to create  your workout plan based on what they know about you and your goals.  However, the body may not always act as expected and programs must be adjusted or sometimes altogether altered until the client is progressing at an appropriate rate.

First, every client must be a willing participant.  Not only must you be committed to reaching your goals, but you be willing to listen to what your
trainer is telling you and perform what is asked. Too many people are not open to the idea of someone else telling them what to do.  If that is the case,then Queens personal training may not be the right fit.


Once the client has ceded the control of the session to the personal training, the transformation can begin.  The ultimate goal is defined and the plan is explained.  What happens next is where patience and understanding come into play.  It must be acknowledged that while on the way to the big goal, the path will be peppered with small milestones or checkpoints.  These are points during the personal trainer client partnership where evaluations will take place.  Measurements will be taken, such as weight, body fat percentage, and waist size, or whatever helps to quantify progress toward the goal.


At the same time don’t set yourself up with the idea that as a Queens personal trainer you must present your client with the perfect program from the beginning.   Set the expectation with your client that this will, to the best of your knowledge, be the best course of action based on the stated goals.  Adjustments can and will be made as personal training progresses.



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